Wednesday, November 7, 2018


It was good to see the little front parking lot full at the voting place yesterday and every booth (all four) was occupied.  I had to chuckle about all the fancy electronic voting devices on the news when I saw we had to provide our own pen to darken the ovals on the ballot.  Yup, we're country.

Having skipped a nap (I'm trying hard to get with the new time), it was inevitable that I'd fall asleep in the chair last night and not wake up until midnight.  What a time to remember that I'd not taken the trash down to the big road.  Bessie Anne must have thought I'd slipped a cog, but a trip in the truck is a trip in the truck, so she went out in the dark, too.  I didn't know if it would be better to try to be quiet and be thought a prowler or let people think there was a crazy person emptying trash in the middle of the night.  I opted not to prowl.

Even with a jacket on, it was darned cold out there.  I heated the bean bag to take to bed and couldn't wait for the cats to take their self-assigned places on my feet.  It still took forever to get (back) to sleep and I overslept this morning.  The comforter is going back on the bed tonight.

I haven't seen any election results yet, and am taking comfort in my ignorance for the time being.

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