Thursday, November 8, 2018

Over And Done

Whew!  I, for one, am so glad to see the end of the many, many political campaign ads on TV.  The mute button got a real workout because of all the rancor and down-and-dirty mud slinging.  There's enough meanness in the world without having it in my living room.  Hopefully it will be two years without any more.

Tessie has been limping for two days now.  She won't let me touch her leg so I can't tell the cause.  It could be something as simple as a stone or sticker between her toes, but I can't look if she won't get up on the stand.  I have liniment if it's a strained muscle.

Sheila, on the other hand, has developed a bad case of the needies.  She's waiting when I come out of the barn to rub against me and then won't move until I scratch her head and talk sweet talk to her.  Then she walks beside me up to the gate, preferably with my hand on her back.  I guess we're besties now.

The hens have not laid an egg since the move.  I don't know enough about their reproductive systems, but I hope they're not stacking eggs inside.  How uncomfortable would that be?

What a difference the comforter made last night.  My niece in New Hampshire gave a hoot when I told her yesterday that we're down in the 40s at night.  Yeah, it's all relative.

A pretty good wind has sprung up.  With any luck it will blow a lot of those leaves off the deck and save me some work.  Odds are, though, that it will just bring more.  Oh well, they don't call it fall for nothing.

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