Monday, November 26, 2018

Morning To Night

The view from Farview is always changing and, in my opinion, always spectacular.  Fall is particularly colorful.  Even the dry grasses in the goat pen provide a layer of contrast next to the fading vines in my neighbor's vineyard.  Beyond the grapes are the oaks down by the big road and behind are the pines on the hill overlooking Fair Play Road to the south.  This photo was taken on the way down to the barn yesterday morning.

While waiting for the Steelers game to start in the early afternoon, I started watching a game I really had no interest in, but it turned into a tight contest and I got hooked.  Thank goodness for halftime so I could bring more firewood to the porch and clean up the kitchen.  Bess and I shared (another) half of a turkey sandwich.  A few more days of a steady turkey diet and we're both going to sprout feathers.

The Steelers couldn't get it together and lost to the Denver Broncos.  Sigh.  Immediately after that game, the Vikings against the Packers came on.  I can always count on exchanging texts with Clay when the Steelers play and with Dave during a Vikings game.  Vikings won!  Another all-day stint of football and I'm going to need a helmet.

The sun caught and highlighted the bright red-yellow of oaks in my yard to the east in the afternoon, too pretty to pass up the opportunity of a snapshot.
Sundown in the west was splashed with its own colors last evening while I was again going down to the barn.

Look in any direction, morning to night, and there is beauty everywhere.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Aw there is indeed beauty everywhere at Fairview Farm. Thanks for sharing the glorious visions!