Wednesday, November 21, 2018


It's funny how we are all so territorial.  I noted in school years ago that where a student sat on the first day of class became "their" desk and they sat there for the rest of the semester.  Rarely were there disputes because everyone else had staked out their own territory, too.

The loveseat is Bessie's spot to nap.  The slipcover always looks like this (unless company is coming).  I leave it this way because my old girl can't jump up anymore.  It's hard to watch her struggle and it takes awhile, but finally she gets it done.  She'll get her forefeet up on the cushion, and one hind leg.  Then, with great effort, she gets the other hind foot up as far as the folds and uses them as a sort of ladder step to push/pull herself up on the couch.  No wonder she sleeps well when the deed is done.

There is a dog bed beside "my" chair that is Bess's other spot.  She gets discombobulated when Celeste, who thinks the whole house is her territory, lies down on the dog bed.  Bessie stands and looks at the cat and the mental telepathy is almost audible.  "But that's my spot.  You're in my spot!"  The cat doesn't care.

We all have our self-assigned places on the bed at night.  Lucky for me, they leave me just enough room to lie down on "my" side.

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