Saturday, November 24, 2018

True To Form

After that lovely break on Thursday, yesterday we we were right back back to wind and rain and the house was cold.  The goats let me know that they were not happy with conditions and what was I going to do about that?  Being in charge does not give me super powers, regardless of what they think.

There were at least thirty turkeys gathered at the feeding station in the morning, celebrating their own Thanksgiving, thankful that they had survived.  They'd been pretty scarce the couple of days before.

Since I'd not lit a fire the day before, Stove was starving.  He gobbled up wood like he'd never get fed again.  True to form, after a day of activity I had no plans to do anything, but I got my exercise getting up to fetch another helping for Stove, just the same.  I honestly think I slept more than I was awake all day.  Ralph was a permanent fixture on my lap.  Celeste came and went.

Tinka had called in the morning to laughingly ask if I was going to join the hordes of shoppers on Black Friday.  Gahh!!  No, no, and no again!  She knows how eager I am to go shopping on any given day.

Come sundown (I guessed it was sundown as we hadn't seen the sun all day), I got ready to put the kids to bed.  Deb and Craig had given me the great fleece-lined jacket and, true to form, Dave had just presented me with the fleece-lined hat.  I can count on him for at least one pig item a year.  I can't think of anything more ridiculous than an old lady with a pig on her head, but it was cold outside and the hat was warm!  There was a drawback, however.  Ralph thought I'd been taken over by an alien and ran away to hide.  The goats didn't care about anything but getting into their rooms, but the chickens sided with Ralph and scattered instead of going into their coop, rain or no rain.  I had to take the hat off to calm them so I could shut their doors for the night.

I look forward to Saturdays because I usually get an early morning call from Deb.  Today I got a text at 4:30, saying she and Craig were at the airport and waiting to check in for a flight to Hawaii.  It will be their first real vacation together and her excitement was clear even in a text.  They'll have an opportunity to meet up with Larry, too.  Bon voyage, Kids!

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh that is SO funny that some of the critters shied away from your oh-so-fashionable head gear. Good job, Dave - very fitting! And no Black Friday shopping for me. It was our Thanksgiving on Friday. That way my dear guests didn't have to fight the LA traffic!