Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Haute Couture

I made a quick trip up to Holiday yesterday.  I needed just a few things and it wasn't worth going into town.  As I approached the store from the parking lot, a little old man who had been sitting outside hurriedly came toward me pushing a grocery cart.  "Here ya go, ma'am."  Turns out he had a table set up to hopefully collect donations for veterans.  He, himself, had on a veterans cap and a VFW jacket.  From his age, he probably was in Vietnam or earlier.  There are two funds to which I will drop a bill in the can or bucket:  Veterans and the Salvation Army.  This gentleman insisted I have one of the VFW Buddy Poppies and showed me where he thought it would look best.  I'd have loved to talk with him, but another shopper was approaching and he took his self-imposed duty of providing a cart seriously.

I am definitely starting a fashion trend.  The last time I was shopping in town, I was stopped by a lady who wanted to know where I got my bibbies.  She wanted a set for gardening.  They are surprisingly hard to find.  The same thing happened yesterday at Holiday.  Again I explained I go online to shop.  (Dickies should give me a discount for advertising.)  Later, a man stopped me, saying he hadn't seen anyone wearing bibbies in over twenty years.  It's a trend, I tell you!

Finished shopping, I put my groceries in the truck and started to return my cart to the store.  (I'm one of those who always walks the cart back; it's so irritating when they're left in the parking lot.)  Before I could get there, that gentleman again came hurrying to me to take the cart back himself.  What can you say but thank you?

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I think the poppy looks GREAT on the bibbies!