Friday, November 9, 2018


Sometimes a thing occurs so gradually that you don't know it's happening until it's done.  The ground squirrels have gone missing.  Oh, there's a token gang of five to nine still hanging around in the front yard, but I don't hear Shaddup yipping anymore and, come to think of it, I can't remember the last time I saw Robert the Raider on the deck.  Turk doesn't come to sit on the bird feeder in the morning.  The pens that teemed with the furry critters are empty.  Believe me, I'm not complaining, but where did they go, and why?

Did I mention the leaves?  The wind that sprang up yesterday did not clear the deck for me, but generously piled up this mess by and on the front porch, nearly burying the garden pigs.  Raking now would be an exercise in futility because the oaks haven't dropped their full load.  Sigh.

I don't see Missy on every trip to the barn, but she's not missing a meal.  Her bowl is empty every time.  I wonder where she went for so long and why, another mystery.

The Steelers/Panthers game last night was a rout:  52-21!  The Steelers were virtually unstoppable.  Yay!  The Vikings are doing well, too.

Arden is coming over this afternoon and (shhh, I don't want to jinx it) Deb and Craig are planning to come up tomorrow.  I don't mind dusting when there's a real reason for it.

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