Friday, November 23, 2018


As promised, the wind died down and the rain stopped.  By the time the Kids started arriving, the sun was shining.  That was a good thing because Craig wanted to get the doors he'd built for the Taj put on right away.  Deb stood guard in case Stanley pulled a sneak attack.  The hens put on a show when one caught a tiny frog and they all played keep-away.  The doors, by the way, make my job so much easier 

I'd been having a problem with the new vacuum cleaner and Jester and Craig figured it out.  There was a place I didn't know about and had not cleaned out.  Another reason to be thankful.

The thing about Thanksgiving dinner is that everything on the menu has to be prepared the same day, nothing can be made ahead.  That pretty much keeps me in the kitchen all day.  I'm not as fast as I used to be and ended up running behind.  Deb stepped up and made the mashed potatoes.  Craig always volunteers to baste the turkey and whatever else is needed to help.  Dave, Clay and Jester started the traditional poker game.  Dave is the official family carver when called on.  Bessie Anne did her part while Dave was cutting the turkey, cruising the floor and cleaning up whatever bits had fallen.  She may not see or hear well, but her nose works just fine.

I couldn't have done it without the Kids' help.  They are such a good team.  The cards and chips were set aside and finally dinner was on the table.  Then when plates were full and forks picked up, there was the sound that every cook wants to hear...the silence that comes when guests are simply enjoying the meal.

After dinner, the crew went to work clearing the table, portioning out leftovers, and Deb and Craig filled the dishwasher and washed and dried all the inevitable pots and pans while I sat like Lady Astor's horse, thankful for their help and just to sit down.  When there was nothing else to do, and I do mean nothing, the cards and chips came out again.  I'd hoped to get the Kids out of the hills before the rain started, but when you're late, you're late.  Tryptophan kicked in and Craig had a good nap, waking in time for the pecan pie made in celebration of his upcoming birthday (it's his favorite).

About 7, everyone loaded up their care packages, gave kisses and hugs all around, and headed home in the light rain, calling out, "Love you!"

They don't call it Thanksgiving for nothing.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Aw, it sounds wonderful. I have found that I can make the mashed potatoes and yams and stuffing (in a dish and not the cavity, which I like better) the day before, and when the bird comes out of the oven, they go in to reheat and it works beautifully...especially when gravy is applied. But I don't have the quantities that you do!