Thursday, November 22, 2018

Early Bird

This will be short today as I've got to get the bird (turkey) in the oven and I didn't wake up until 4:30.  That said, nothing, but nothing gets done until I finish my coffee.  So there.

Didn't get much rain yesterday, but, wow, a lot of strong wind all day.  It was surprisingly warm.  That took one of the chores off the To Do list.  Not much sense in clearing off the deck when leaves were falling in a veritable blizzard.  The wind is howling again this morning and there's a pretty good rainfall.  I hope the forecasters are right.  They said most of the day should be dry today, with rain again about nightfall.  That would let the Kids get up and back down without a problem.

Thanksgiving dinner isn't particularly difficult, but there's a lot of fussy prep work, chopping and dicing, etc.  Trying to cut back, tearing up just three loaves of bread instead of the usual six or so for the stuffing hardly seemed worth the effort.  Almost everything on the To Do list got done...whew.

Turkey to stuff, pies to bake (I have double ovens), cranberry sauce to make...and there goes the last of the coffee.

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I'm several days late (Company here put the computer on the back burner) HAPPY THANKSGIVING! We celebrated on Friday so I cooked as much ahead as I could on Thursday. I don't do as much from scratch as you do - never have, so I'm not breaking tradition. Mrs. Cubbison's and Ocean Spray have done us well. Pies are totally from scratch, as are yams.