Saturday, November 10, 2018

On The Horizon

The view from Farview got a change recently.  There was a lot of activity on my neighbor's property with heavy equipment, but it all went on just over the hill so I couldn't satisfy my curiosity.  The only reason I know for sure what the enormously tall pole is for is because a couple of workers bringing more equipment got lost and ended up in my driveway asking for directions.  It's some kind of newfangled telephone pole!  I can't say it's a thing of beauty or that it adds to the view of the horizon, but I am grateful that it's not directly in my line of sight and somewhat off to the side.  Oh well.

Without going to the store, I was trying to come up with a little something, anything, to serve to Arden as an appetizer, using ingredients on hand.  Rummaging through the pantry and freezer, I came across a package of frozen pie dough left over from baking a single-crust pie in the past.  (I always make a double batch.)  Hmmm.  It came to me that I've not made an onion-and-bacon pie in years and that would be perfect, good at room temperature if our visit was delayed, which it was.  Since my friend arrived closer to the dinner hour, I threw in some roasted Brussels sprouts and we called it a meal.  I always enjoy Arden's visits, not least because we have such wide-ranging conversations.

And what's on my horizon today?  A confirmed visit from Deb and Craig!  Whoopee!!

Erratum:  I shortchanged the Panthers yesterday.  They actually got 21 points, not the 14 I stated.  (They still lost big time.)

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