Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Breakfast Club

(The Breakfast Club,"1985, Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald.)

The sky was just light yesterday when I heard a commotion down at the feeding station.  I kid you not (shades of Jack Paar!), I counted over fifty turkeys, toms and hens, all yelling, "Hey, lady, how about a little service here!  We're waiting, don'tcha know."  The photo didn't capture all of this unruly bunch as some were running back and forth down to the woods.  I think it's important to teach a little self-discipline and explained that I am perfectly willing to provide the food, but the timing is on my terms and they'd just have to wait until sunup and I at least had my clothes on.  You haven't lived until you've been flipped the bird by a bird.

Something set Stanley off.  For a rooster who is normally so silent, he started crowing as soon as I left the pen, and kept it up the whole while I was getting alfalfa and taking it down to the girls.  Go figure.

Tessie's limp has returned, not bad, but there, same foot.  Since it seems to come with the onset of cold or wet weather, I wonder if it isn't caused by arthritis.  There is no swelling and no obvious injury.  It was better by nightfall so maybe she was able to walk it off during the day.

Rain has been forecast for the next five days and it looked imminent when I was going down to the barn last evening.  Because the sky was darkening, I went down a little early, too early it seems.  The Bonzos ("Bedtime For Bonzo," 1951, Ronald Reagan, Diana Lynn) were not ready, and when a goat is not ready, well...you wait.  A couple of does were also too early.  They came casually walking up the driveway, undoubtedly planning to jump the fence and have a little snack of leftover alfalfa, but caught sight of the goats and me still in the yard and changed their mind.

The sky had changed drastically by the time the girls decided that they really didn't want to spend the night outside.  Another pretty picture to end the day.

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