Thursday, January 28, 2021

Daddy Was A Dandy

At the outset, let me say that this is an apolitical entry, meant only as sartorial comment, even though inspired by recent events.

I am less interested in women's dress styles (let's face it, a fashionista, I'm not!) than in what the men are wearing, thanks to my father's influence.  Watching male interviews and presentations, I'll think, "Sloppy dresser," "Terrible choice of ties," "Get a suit that fits," "Good choice, m'man."  Our President has my attention in this regard...he's pretty snazzy.

Daddy was a dandy...always was.  I've mentioned in the past how particular he was about his hats and the fact that I felt I'd come of age when he finally allowed me to handle one, Panamas and fedoras.  Ties, omigosh, the ties!  He had every color and style, print and plain.  He was up on every change in knots so as to keep up with the trends:  Windsor, Half Windsor, Four-In-Hand, Prince Albert, he knew them all.  I learned to iron on Daddy's handkerchiefs.  They had to be perfectly square so that he could fold the one to go in his suit pocket just so...three-point, two-point, square.  (That's what first drew me to note President Biden's attire, his handkerchief.)  Back in the day, the 1940s, Daddy would take me with him in to our little, two-main-street town and he would get his shoes shined by guys who had set up stands on the sidewalk.  I can still hear the sound of those brushes.  Daddy didn't have a lot of hair, but what was there was cut on a regular basis.  I loved the smell of the barbershop.  I'm still addicted to Old Spice aftershave.

After a horrific car accident, Daddy spent the better part of a year in hospitals and convalescent care.  When he was finally released and I was driving him home, we had two stops to make on the way.  One was for a haircut and the other was to order a new suit.  When the time came, he was buried in a robin's egg blue suit that was his favorite.  He lived in style and went out the same way.

Let's just say that I appreciate men's clothing for many reasons.

And if I never again see a red tie worn long enough to be a codpiece, it'll be too soon.

That hellacious wind has finally died down, but the rain is with us still.  Stove has been working night and day.  Throw on a couple of cats and we'll make it.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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