Thursday, January 7, 2021

I Tried

I conscientiously decided when I started this writing, going on twelve years now, to stick to farm life, to what I could view from my hill, as it were.  There's been enough beauty, drama, sorrow verging on tragedy, humor, good times and bad, to keep the words flowing...sometimes a trickle, sometimes a gusher, but always something.  I also decided to keep my political views to myself, not that I am a woman of no opinion, but wanted 'The View' to be as apolitical as possible.

Yesterday changed all that.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt, on December 8, 1941, spoke of it as a "day that would live in infamy."  January 6, 2021, was another day of infamy as we were again attacked, not by a foreign country, but by citizens of the United States.  I fear we are no longer a united country.  I watched in disbelief as Americans...Americans not worthy of the name...broke into the citadel of Congress, destroying and defacing as they went through the halls, sitting with their feet up on desks, hanging like grinning gargoyles on the outer walls, tearing down our revered national flag and replacing it with the name of one I find repugnant.  Those people have taken up the cause of one who thinks himself to be a demigod, but is, in fact, nothing but a demagogue.

There have always been disagreements when it has come to politics.  America became America as we know it when the time came to split with royalty in England.  It's to be expected, but it's possible to disagree without destruction.  That didn't happen yesterday.  I applaud those congressmen and women who returned to the business at hand after the rioters were removed and announced the vote of the people, that which we knew, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be inaugurated on January 20, 2021, as President and Vice President of what hopefully can become once again, the United States of America.

You may agree or disagree with my viewpoint.  I tried to keep it to myself, but current circumstances intervened.  I tried.

And life goes on.  Helper Dude came and spent the day tending to two big(!) burn piles in the west field.  I was so glad he was able to do that before birds used the dead branches to build and hide their spring nests.  Missy came and went several times throughout the day.  She'd rather snack than gorge.  HD was kind enough to haul a wagonload of wood to the porch and I splurged and put Stove to work.  Celeste and Ralph stretched out in front of the hearth and Michael relaxed on the couch.  The warmth might seem a small thing, but here, it's a luxury.  Frozen taquitos were as much as I could manage for a meal, not wanting to leave the TV to cook.  Life goes on.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Emmy said...

Even from 3000 miles away, we all felt the pain and heartbreak of yesterday.

We who had been so proud to be an American.

Thank you for opinion I imagine shared with many of us.