Monday, January 4, 2021


It's really hard to write about a day in which absolutely nothing of interest happened, and that was yesterday.  Chilly, yes, but not cold enough to light a fire.  Overcast all day, even the vultures abandoned their posts in the morning.  I was able to postpone the dreaded trip to town (again) with a quick run up to Gray's Corner.  That counts as a success when you're desperate for points, even though I know there will come a day of reckoning.  It was neither sunny nor warm enough to sit on the deck with Michael.  He thought about it when we headed out the door, but stamped it 'reject' when we got to the turnoff to the steps.  Smart dog.  Rummaging in the freezer, I was able to find something to heat for dinner, not being in the mood to cook.

Yup, Dudville.

I doubt Helper Dude is going to keep his appointment here today.  We're due for rain, and all his work is outdoors.  Sigh.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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