Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Uninvited

"The Uninvited" (1944, Ray Milland, Ruth Hussey, Donald Crisp), a great British scary, ghostly horror story.  The Brits do scary without blood or gore.  I highly recommend it.

I didn't think too much about it when Missy's bowl seemed emptier earlier than I'd come to expect.  It's winter, it's cold, and maybe she was stocking up and chowing down so she wouldn't have to make so many trips for snacks.  Not so.  The other afternoon, while I was checking the level of her kibbles from inside the house, I saw a very unfamiliar lump.  Hmmm.  And then it moved.  A very large, fluffy apricot cat was helping him/herself to a meal.  Definitely uninvited.  Do I stamp a foot, slam a door?  How to deal with this intruder?  In the long run, I did nothing.  It seems to be my mission in life to feed animals, indoors, outdoors, in my lady's chamber.  I see Missy two or three times a day so I know she's not going hungry.

Wow!  We've been hit with another wind storm, and this one is a doozy.  It started a bit after sundown last night and it hit with the punch of Mohammad Ali.  I saw on the news this morning that we got gusts up to 60+ mph.  I know the house shook at times, and the strong wind has been unrelenting.  At some relatively early hour, the power went out.  I had the fire going and it seemed the better part of valor to spend the night in the chair in a relatively warm room than try to go down a coal-black hallway to go to bed.  The cats and Michael agreed.  I know the power was out for hours, but it did come back on before dawn.  At first light, I made the rounds (in the house) looking for downed trees.  So far, so good.  Fingers crossed.

May the (electrical) force be with you.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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