Thursday, January 25, 2018

Luck Of The Draw

It was a cold, cold morning and I stopped on my way to the barn to pick up that bed for Missy.  She was out hunting in the pasture and I imagine the breakfast I put down for her was welcome, too.  The girls double-timed it through their cereal and were out in the weak sunshine in no time.  I was wrong about Stove not needing me; who else would feed him and baby him along?  Another couple of loads of wood to the porch were in order to keep him satisfied.

Having put so much into the freezer, it seemed prudent to take something out.  I'm very good about putting a date on a bag, but I need more discipline about putting a label on food.  Rummaging around, there was a lot of, "Hmmm, I wonder what that is."  Pork chops and hamburger are readily identifiable, but there were a lot of unknowns in there.  I was hoping to find some split pea soup or maybe some stew, but settled for a bag of some purply stuff and hoped for the best.  It turned out to be borscht!  Talk about the luck of the draw on a wintery night.

The phone rang well after dark.  Nobody calls me at night.  It was my oncologist with the results of that CT/PET scan done a few weeks ago.  I wasn't going to get my knickers in a twist until I heard one way or the other, because...well, just because.  I will admit, however, to relief when she said that almost two years after surgery, there was absolutely no sign of cancer.  Hey, when Lady Luck is with you, you're on a roll.

The rain held off all day then poured all night.  There is no sign of snow yet this morning, but Bess Anne sure didn't dawdle on her outing.  I've already fed Stove his appetizer to get him going.  It will be nice to come back to a warm house after chores.

It was a good day.

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