Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Uninvited

"The Uninvited" was a great, mildly scary (for its time) movie from 1944 with Ray Milland, Ruth Hussey, Donald Crisp, and Gail Russell.  My very own (not scary) uninvited, Cheeky, was back in the barn yesterday morning.  I assume she was hiding out from the rain in the night.  Not only did she not move while I was letting Inga out, she wouldn't even glance at me.  "Go away, lady.  Ya bother me."  I don't want to usurp someone's pet, but I'm tempted to start putting down a bit of food for her in Cindy's empty stall.  She's done a great job of decimating the rodent  population even though I still miss the mice, and a good barn cat is worth keeping around.  I wonder if she would put ground squirrels on her menu.  Hmmm.

Spurred by guilt, my great motivator, I made a frontal attack on The Black Hole and actually made some progress.  There is a big bag of books and another of magazines ready for Camille to take to the Senior Center and a box of empty boxes to go for recycling.  I'm not even close to being done in there, but now I'm hopeful.  Once upon a time, that room was my office and sewing/craft room.  I no longer work at home and it's been ages since I've done any sewing, so I don't know exactly what the room will become.  Since neither the Steelers nor the Vikings are playing today I might get more done in The Black Hole.  Or not.

For Inquiring Minds:  Waldo had hung out in the living room for days, but yesterday he was back in the wastebasket and I released him.  I've not seen him yet this morning, but heard Celeste crooning to him in the hall during the night.  He'll turn up somewhere.

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