Sunday, January 28, 2018

What A Way...

What a way to start the day!  The window behind the computer screen looks out to the southeast, directly where the sun rises, so I get a preview of coming attractions.  Not to be outdone by sunset of the night before, East put on a spectacular light show of her own in the morning.

Missy was in her room again.  I don't really want to get too close to her; I know me.  If she let me pick her up or even pet her, the next thing would be to bring her in the house and add her to the menagerie, and Missy is a cat with a job.  That being said, she thought about running away when I opened the stall door, but decided to stick around when I shook the can with her breakfast.  While I don't want to make her a pet, I do like it that I've earned her trust.

What a way to spend the day!  Pete had invited me to his house and I accepted.  He took me to an upscale Japanese restaurant, promising me sushi.  I love Japanese food, and it's been years and years since I've indulged.  Holy moly, he ordered a lot more than two kinds of sushi!  I don't know the name, but there were decadent crisp packets stuffed (and I mean stuffed!) with creamy crab, gyoza, and succulent, buttery ahi sashimi.  I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.  It was a leisurely meal and we had time for real conversation.  Back at his place, he proudly showed me his new television.  I thought his "old" one was big; his new acquisition is huge!  With his state-of-the-art sound system, it was like sitting in a theater.  Color and clarity were astounding, and Planet Earth II showed to the best possible advantage.  It was with great reluctance that I had to tear myself away after such good company and a great day.

West put in a weak bid last evening, but couldn't really compete with East yesterday.  E for Effort, but no cigar.

I realized I hadn't seen Waldo in days and looked in the wastebasket.  There he was.  Celeste is crooning to him as she walks the halls.

All's right in my world.  What a day!

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Ah, what a day indeed. The photos are gorgeous, and I'm so glad that Pete is relatively close enough for a round trip in one day! He knows how to spoil his Mama!