Tuesday, February 20, 2018


It is a brisk 22 degrees this morning.  Bess certainly didn't dawdle when she went out in the dark to piddle and she's back on the bed, curled up like a doughnut.  I don't blame her.  My little space heater is doing its best, but the warm air isn't reaching as far as my fingers.  Brrrr!

I had so looked forward to seeing Dave and his buddies yesterday, but the more I thought about it, the more I worried about them all on motorcycles and finally called my son and told him it really wasn't a good idea to come up to the foothills.  They are all experienced riders and wear leathers in cold weather, but there were reports of snow in Pleasant Valley and there isn't much even a car can do if there's black ice on the road.  What was meant to be a nice outing would sure get a crimp if there was a wipe-out.  As disappointing as it was for me, I'd rather have the guys safe.

As late as 11 a.m., I was still crunching through ice in the pasture, and the sun had been out for hours.  It just never warmed up all day.  Stove was on duty and tried his best.  My big job for the day was feeding him.

Bedtime for the goats was a disaster thanks to that darned Tessie.  Inga and Sheila went in without a problem.  The neighbor's big dogs were at the fence line, barking with their deep, loud voices, and Tess got spooked.  Even after the dogs went back to their house, probably to get warm, Tess wouldn't come in.  I coaxed and wheedled, I stood and sat, I opened and closed the door, and I tried to catch her collar.  Nothing worked.  The sun went down and I was freezing.  As cold as it was, after spending over half an hour with her, I finally had to leave her out.  I left the play yard gate open for Tessie, hoping she had enough sense to at least get under shelter.  I'd like to think she'll learn a lesson.  Yeah, good luck with that.

My heart is warm at the thought of meeting Tinka for lunch today.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I'm smiling...not at Tessie...but for the other T name :-)