Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Something In The Air

It is technically still winter, but the warm weather of late has tricked the wildlife into thinking it's spring and love is in the air.  The tom turkeys in the breakfast club are dressed to impress and they fluff up and strut their stuff in front of the hens, who, as always, pointedly ignore the parade.  A pair of sparrows were duking it out down in the goat pen, undoubtedly for the affection of a female.  Even the girls were feeling feisty.

Nature is her usual capricious self.  The morning was cold and windy, but sunny.  After chores, lighting Stove seemed a good idea before the chill settled in the house, and I had a sit-down while waiting for the fire to catch.  I wasn't the only one thinking that because the smell of wood smoke wafted by outside.  Suddenly there was a change and hail was in the air!  It didn't last long, but was a pointed reminder that it truly is still winter.  The sun came out again and Bess and I went down to the feed store for gas and bird seed (and two cookies).  Unfortunately, I did not unload the bird seed as soon as we got home, because I had barely brought another wagon load of wood to the porch when it began to rain.  That didn't last long either.  Nature was just showing off the tricks in her repertoire.

Once again, Celeste wandered the hall last night, crooning to Waldo.  It must be the equivalent of baby-talk, because the voice she uses is reserved just for Waldo.  It's really rather touching.

It's down in the 30s again this morning.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh how fun and interesting that Celeste croons for Waldo. And I forgot to say that the sunset in yesterday's blog was SO realistic, that the burning sun looked exactly as vibrant as it would have in real life. Good shot.