Friday, February 2, 2018

I Am Not!

Years ago, for a certain class I was required to ask several people, friends and family, to give three words they felt described me.  To my surprise, "stubborn" showed up on every list.  I could respond before handing in the paper and wrote, "I am not stubborn, and I will fight to the death to prove it."

I will admit to a degree of determination, and I am determined that It will not take up residence under the shed.  It found the unsavory stuff filling his/her prior holes, moved a foot or so over and started another one.  No, no, no...not gonna happen.  The cats had obliged with more product and I filled in the new one.  I can do this for as long as it takes.  I am not stubborn, but I am motivated.

It was old home week at the grocery store.  I rarely see anyone I know, but then, I don't know that many people.  Yesterday I ran into (not literally) Linda in the parking lot, and then Earle, who was standing in front of the milk cooler.   Earle was my long-time milk customer, and he suggested I might go back to work to supply him with the good stuff.  I declined.  I had convinced myself that my almost-gone black eye was hardly noticeable, but given Earle's reaction, I was wrong.

By sundown, all the Kids but Deb had checked in with their bets for the Super Bowl.  (Larry abstained, party pooper.)  I alone have put my nickel on the New England Patriots.  If those boys come through for me, I could make off with as much as twenty cents!  If the Philadelphia Eagles win, I'll have to break open one of my piggy banks to pay my debts.  Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I don't care who wins, but obviously it would be cheaper for each of them to give you a nickel, than for you to get into your piggy bank!