Monday, February 5, 2018


And then depression set in.  The Patriots lost the Super Bowl, but it was a really good game, well worth the twenty cents it cost me.  I already paid Camille.  As for the boys, "I'd rather owe it to you
than cheat you out of it."  (Don't think for a minute they'll let me forget.)  It would have been worse if Deb and Craig hadn't sided with the Patriots.

I actually got quite a lot done yesterday before Cam and Honey arrived, including prep work for the hot dogs.  Camille brought even more condiments, including an avocado.  Grateful for the pause and rewind buttons, I grilled the wieners and buns and we loaded up.  I must say that a hot dog with avocado and sriracha is excellent!  Cam put everything but the kitchen sink on hers.  We ate in the living room in front of two very disappointed pups.  They kept hoping we'd share.

No matter how exciting a game is, livestock comes first.  I hit the pause button again and went down to put the girls to bed and Camille went home to tend her animals.  Normally I would zip through commercials (a huge benefit of pausing a program) when we got back, but Super Bowl ads are some of the best.  Budweiser came through as they always do, but we weren't terribly impressed by most of the others.  Unfortunately, the game was over before we got to the end, and I was getting gloating texts from the guys so we knew the Eagles had won before we heard the final whistle.  I handed over my nickel.  Sigh.

Win or lose, it was a good day.

Guess where Waldo was this morning.  In my slipper.  That was a unique sensation in the dark.

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