Monday, July 9, 2018

More Of The Same

Hot, hot, and more hot.  A whole week of 90-plus days is predicted, so it's safe to say that summer is here.  Bess and I went to replenish goat chow and birdseed shortly after barn chores and before the heat lowered the boom.  It wouldn't have been kind to the young man who had to load the 75-pound bag of chow and 40 pounds of birdseed to have waited until afternoon.  Me, I'll unload them this morning.  Even so, the A/C in the truck felt good.  I shall try to avoid the subject of heat in future, but no promises.

It was another day for piddly but necessary tasks, nothing to write home about, for sure.  I do a lot of sitting in the summer.  Turning on the sprinkler in the herb-and-weed garden filled the birdbath and made the birds happy, and didn't expend a lot of energy.  When the bath gets crowded, others just flutter around in the spray.  It looks pretty tempting.  Bess likes to go out after the water has been turned off and lie on the cool, damp earth.  That looks pretty good, too.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

My heart melts for you...especially since we have been melting too. The heat isn't quite as high where I am...mid 80s...but the darn humidity, which arrived in San Diego a few summers ago, is a killer for me. I wish you cool breezes and full wading pools.