Sunday, March 10, 2019

About Time

It's a good thing I'm an early riser because if I weren't, I'd be late this morning.  According to the "new" time, it's already 5:30.  Lord love a duck, I wish "they," whoever they are, would just pick a time and stick with it, and I don't care which one.  I can count on being crabby twice a year, and this year it came a month early.  Aaargh!

Dave isn't going to make it up this weekend after all.  Poor guy.  The ignition on his truck went out.  You can't go anywhere if you can't start the engine.  I won't say I'm not disappointed, but just having had Truck in the shop, I sure do sympathize.

Stove gobbled up a fair bit of firewood yesterday.  It didn't rain, but it was flippin' cold all day.  I'm not sure it ever got out of the 30s.  You bet I appreciate Beau and the kids' act of kindness.  With no company coming, keeping Stove fed was the big project for the day, and I just loaded him up for breakfast.

Well, it's 6 a.m. and there's no sign of daylight.  How does this daylight saving thing work anyhow?  I've changed all the clocks so I can at least pretend to be in step with the rest of California (but I don't have to like it).

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