Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Wrong Again

Well, I was wrong about the Missy magic.  She was off elsewhere yesterday morning, probably basking in the sunshine somewhere.  That was certainly what the goats were doing.  I probably shouldn't have said anything about Stanley, either.  He made another run at me after I put down his breakfast and got bopped for his effort.  The one good thing about Stanley's attacks is that he goes for my feet and doesn't leap up to use his formidable spurs.

Stove almost got the day off.  I held off lighting him up, making do with a heavy sweatshirt and a jacket.  Go-To Guy and Mrs. Go-To came by in the afternoon to assess what would be needed for the two faucets out by the chicken pen and feed barn that have gone wonky.  GT always puts me at the end of the day so he can have the proffered beer and Mrs. GT and I can chat.  I could feel the temperature dropping and felt bad that my guests had to keep their coats on.  As they were leaving, it started raining...again, and I brought in wood to feed Stove.

Bess and I took the trash down to the big road, our outing for the day.  It was in the low 30s when we got back.  The heater in the truck felt good and Stove was doing his job when we walked in.  Salmon cakes for dinner were comfort food.  I wasn't wrong about that.

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