Friday, March 1, 2019


Most won't remember "That Was The Week That Was," a political satire TV show imported from Britain in 1964 and featuring David Frost.  It came to mind yesterday, but more in the context of  "This Was The Week That Was," messed up from the git-go.  As I put load after load of laundry into the washer, I kept hearing an old Girl Scout camp song, "Today is Monday.  Today is Monday.  Monday wash day..." but it was decidedly not Monday.  Monday seemed an eon ago, this week has been so totally screwed up.  It's not like I ever adhere to a schedule, but it's nice to think there are people who do regulate their lives.  Anyhow, there are stacks of clean and folded clothes now.

I had to move Missy's bed and bowl out of her room and into the hallway of the barn.  More of one of the plexiglass roof panels had broken, either from the wind or the tree, and her stall was wet through and through.  It's not a problem since the girls are now sharing the big room.

After throwing such a hissy fit with all the rain and wind, all worn-out Nature could come up with yesterday was a constant drizzle.  Drip, drip, drip.  Hey, I'm not complaining.  Stove ate up almost a whole wagon full of firewood, working overtime to keep damp rot from taking over and mushrooms from sprouting in the corners.  (Thanks again, Beau.)

Arden is coming over this afternoon.  With any luck, I'll get up to the store to pick up some extra ingredients for a recipe I saw last week for a warm crab Rangoon dip.  I've made the traditional Chinese fried crab Rangoon appetizers for years, but not often because they're a lot of work.  Some bright person had the idea to simplify the whole thing by making a dip with crispy won ton skins as chips.  I'm not ashamed to steal it.

My sister used to say that there was an old Chinese curse that said, "May you live in interesting times."  This has certainly been an interesting week.

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