Monday, March 4, 2019

Something Different

When Patrick hadn't appeared by mid morning and there was a break in the rain, I called the feed store to get an ETA.  It seems Patrick had not come in to work.  Oh good grief.  I was completely out of birdseed, was low on chicken feed, and had maybe enough alfalfa for one more day.  I explained my dilemma to Chris and asked if there wasn't somebody else who could deliver my supplies as Patrick had promised he'd come on Sunday.  "I'll call you back."  About an hour later, "Okay, here's the deal.  If you can/will drive down here, they (two members of a large family group that now owns Mt. Aukum store) can load the alfalfa in your truck, the rest of the stuff in theirs, and they'll follow you home because they don't know this area at all."  Well, that was different.  I left immediately and, of course, ran into rain on the way.  Raj and Carlo loaded Truck and we caravanned home.  There was no way I could have handled the heavy bales of alfalfa or even the 50-pound bags of feed, so I truly appreciated their help unloading everything, and they did it with a smile in the rain.  Good guys.

Everything was done by the time NASCAR started.  Bowyer and Johnson were doing well at the time I fell asleep (nothing new there) and I missed the end of the race.  Rats!

I tried something different the last time I made fried eggplant.  I had always followed my mother's routine with a dredge of seasoned flour, egg dip, and more flour, but after watching a number of cooking shows I added just a bit of corn starch to the flour.  What a difference!  The crust was so much crispier and had a tender crunch.  I tried the same thing with a piece of chicken last night and had the same result.  Sorry, Mother, I may never go back to the old way.

The livestock are well supplied with food, there was a real sunset last evening, Stove has been working well.  It was a good day.

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