Saturday, March 9, 2019

Visiting Day

It's been a long while since the turkeys have visited, but yesterday there they were again on the deck railing.  This is the first of five that came to look at the cat.  "Hey, lady!  What'cha doing?  Anything good on TV today?"  They crack me up.

Beau called later in the morning to ask if it would be okay for him to bring a bunch of children, a group of locals he calls the Mountain Kids, to bring wood to my porch in the afternoon.  Okay?  Oh yeah!  Beau is a stay-at-home dad and he's formed a sort of play group with other children and thought it would be a good way to let the kids spend some energy outside (it wasn't raining) and learn a lesson in helping others.  About ten young ones hiked from Beau's house to mine and, like little birds, they were chirping and laughing as they set to work.  The rack was getting pretty low and it was on my To-Do list, so I really appreciated their efforts.  Best of all were the hugs I got from every single kid, and some came back for seconds.  Just like a flock of birds they were here and then they were gone, taking my thanks with them.

I came in and fed Stove a big helping to warm up the house.  I'd put him on a restricted diet to conserve firewood and we were both getting cold, not knowing we'd have such welcome visitors.  It was a good day.

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