Monday, March 18, 2019

Day Late

As the saying goes, "Day late and a dollar short."  I couldn't believe what I did (or didn't do) yesterday.  Early in the morning I put the long-awaited corned beef in the crock pot with the brown sugar and apple juice (if you haven't tried it that way, you don't know what you're missing) and turned on the switch.  I did think it odd that there weren't those yummy aromas in the afternoon, but I'd been busy and, after all, the slow cooker didn't need my help.  Around dinnertime I went in and, oh good grief, the pot was cold.  Had the darned thing gone wonky?  What the heck?!  No, it was me who had slipped a cog.  I'd done all the preparations and hadn't plugged it in.  Sigh.  Oh well, I look forward to a corned beef meal for lunch today, just a day late.

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