Thursday, March 7, 2019

Gloom And Doom

I need some sunshine!!  I need to sit outside on the deck with Bess and listen to the birds and watch white fluffy clouds go by.  I need to get down to the barn without coming back soaked.  I need sunshine, people, I need it bad!  California born and bred, I don't understand how people cope in places like Alaska where there are months of darkness or Nordic countries where it is so cold much of the time.  I couldn't cope in Seattle with 155 days of rain on average.  Aarrgh!  Call it an atmospheric river or what you will, I need to see a weather report without days of rain, rain, and more rain predicted.  It's just plain depressing.  (Does it show?)

Poor old Bessie Anne made one trip out in the morning yesterday and came back wet to the skin.  I gave her a brisk toweling and tried to get her warm.  Any other forays were very brief and I didn't blame her.  We spent our day trying to keep Stove happy.  Fortunately, he wasn't as cranky as me.  It was hard to remember the bright spots of the day before.

I know full well that this, too, shall pass, but dang it, I need some sunshine!  It's raining...again.  Sigh.  (Don't even get me started on the time change coming up this weekend.)

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh I so, so, so sympathize, as I, too, am a "Sunshine Girl!"