Friday, March 15, 2019

The Boys Are Back In Town

(Apologies to Thin Lizzie, 1976)

There are always wild turkeys here, but it's mating season and now they abound.  The boys are strutting their stuff, showing off their elegant plumage and yelling, "Look at me!  Look at me!"  It's pretty clear who makes the decisions as the girls go about their business, pointedly ignoring this display of machismo.  It makes me think of high school dances where the girls are on one side of the room checking out the guys out of the corners of their eyes, impressed but not wanting to be obvious.

Coming up the driveway after the day's excursion, it was clear the quail had already done their mating dance.  A family of ten or so ran across the drive, their little legs moving so fast they were a blur.  Ohmigosh, they are so cute.

It was an absolutely glorious day, sunny, warm, with just a light breeze.  If there was ever a day that a trip to town could be pleasant, it was yesterday.  Of course Wally World did not have any corned beef, so I went way out of my way to make a stop at Holiday.  I was on a mission.  I need to get my eyes checked.  I really do.  At the meat counter, I found the corned beef and made my choice, a really lovely hunk of meat.  I got a big one, thinking that Dave and possibly Clay would be here this weekend.  It was when I was unpacking the groceries at home that I realized I had a package of London broil, not corned beef.  Aaargh!  It must have been either in with or next to the corned beef.  (It's my story and I'm sticking to it.)  Just as well.  I called Dave in the evening to see which day he might be coming up.  He's not.  His truck is still being repaired.  Sigh.  I talked with Clay.  He's coming up on Tuesday.  My boys are not back in town - yet.  I don't even own a barbecue, so I'll vacuum seal and freeze the London broil and save it for one of the Kids.

My mouth is set for corned beef, so I'll be going back to the store today and be a little more careful about checking labels.  I'll get a big one so there'll be leftovers for sandwiches to share with Clay.

It was almost a good day.

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