Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Blowin' In The Wind

(Song by Peter, Paul and Mary, 1962)

It was an apt theme song for yesterday.  The tall pine trees on the ridge across the road danced a hula all day and I faced into the south wind while walking down to the barn.  The chickens' feathers were ruffled, but not by me (for a change).  If it's not raining, wind makes animals go a little nutso.  When I was a girl and riding horseback, a windy day assured a wild ride.  Even in their pasture, my horses would buck and run just for the fun of it.  Usually sedate, Sheila and Tessie ran up and down the hill, stopping now and then to charge at each other to butt heads.  I always worry about that because of Tessie's one horn.  Going into battle with her, even a mock one, is like going into a gunfight armed with a spit wad.  I don't know how she does it, but in all these years and all their altercations, Tess has managed not to hurt any of the others.

We have a week of rain predicted.  Hmmm, was it cold enough to light a fire?  Almost, but in the interest of conservation, I held off.  I did just enough work to keep my job.  (No sense overdoing it.)  There was something I needed to do with the new TV receiver.  I've learned where most of the "help" buttons are, but none for what I wanted to do.  Nothing for it but to call the Help Line...again.  The nice young man (well, he might not have been quite so young because in the course of conversation I found that he, too, likes old black-and-white movies) walked me through the process.  I asked which Help button I could go to should I need to repeat the process.  Since we were connected through my television I could see him searching this one and that.  Finally he said, "You know what?  That question isn't addressed and I'll have to report that to Technical."  At least I didn't feel like such a dunce.

I'm off today for another trip to Vampire Hall.  Oh goody.  Getting blood drained every three weeks is not my idea of a fun outing, not that I consider most outings fun.  At least the wind has stopped blowing.

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