Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Is It A Bird?

Cue the theme song.  "Is it a bird?  Is it a plane?  It's not Superman.  It's the elusive sun!"  This rare photo was taken on the way back up to the house and was the only sighting all day.  No, that's a fib; Sol did put in another brief appearance just before dropping over the horizon in the evening.

Stove had a day of rest.  While overcast, it didn't rain and it was warm enough I didn't need to burn more wood.  The goats lay out in the pen and the bedraggled chickens had a chance to dry out their feathers.  I hope they all enjoyed themselves because more rain is due today and the rest of the week.  Of course it is because I have to go to Cameron Park this morning.

I had a lovely chat with my friend Tinka, and a call later from my niece.  How grand it is to have family and friends in your life to laugh with.  They brighten the darkest days.

Bess Anne is snoring gently on the bed behind me while Celeste sings to her piglet in the hall.  Ralph is off doing Ralph things, but I know that soon I will feel his light-as-air touch on my shoulder, his way of telling me he wants to come over for a cuddle on my lap.  He's begun taking "making muffins" very seriously.  He started by kneading my arm gently, and has moved on to vigorous treading that, if put to music, would make Beethoven proud.

It was a dry, i.e. good, day.

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