Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Bright Spots

I didn't hit rain until Shingle Springs on my way down to Cameron Park.  Oh well, we all knew it was coming.  The news from the doctor was very, very good.  No sign of a tumor anywhere, so all I'm left to deal with is the polycythemia to treat with medication...and the occasional visit to Vampire Hall.  A draining yesterday and another in three weeks.  It could be worse and I'm not complaining.

By the time I was let loose from the Center, it was raining hard.  I do not understand some people's feeling of invincibility and/or immortality.  I was driving at freeway speed and was getting passed by, let's just say, idiots who had to be going seventy-five or eighty mph on the wet road.  My only thought was the hope that they wouldn't take out innocent others.

I had a couple of stops to make in P'ville, trying to make the trip count.  On the way back, I came upon this hillside of daffodils and had to stop.  Talk about a bright spot on a dark day!  My almond tree is trying valiantly to put out blossoms and I spied a clump of my own daffodils near the chicken pen, but the wind and rain have beat them down.  The number of uprooted or broken trees on the roads to town was alarming.  Road crews must be working overtime. 

Back at home, Bess and I caught a break and hurried to get the trash down to the big road.  I also got a call from a dear cousin...always a bright spot.

Nature got down to business about dark last evening and she's still at it.  Regardless, it was a good day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

YAY for the great medical report! Hip, hip, hooray!