Sunday, March 31, 2019

Hit The Deck!

The Record, Pause, and Rewind buttons got a workout yesterday.  Saturdays are usually spent inside watching back-to-back cooking shows, but Bess and I were lured outside several times to sit on the deck and enjoy the sunshine and the view:  blue, blue sky and the cumulus clouds over Yosemite.  A few of the anemones are blooming and I again cursed the squirrels who decimated all the other flowers that should have adorned the deck.  Between the squirrels and the drought, all the pots are a ghost town.  I would replant, but it makes no sense to spend the money just to feed the furry little boogers.  The first peony popped up in the herb garden and I'm grateful that Robert the Raider and his cohorts have no taste for peonies.

Back in the house, I saw a couple of recipes I'd love to try:  a white bean and crisp bacon bruschetta and a North Carolina fish stew (not together).  I'm thinking it's time to get the Ladies organized again.  There are some recipes that make too much for one person.  It took over a week to finish leftover corned beef.  There can be too much of a good thing.

We're promised one more day of sunshine before the rain returns, so the buttons will be used today for NASCAR   Bessie Anne and I will be hitting the deck while we can.

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