Monday, February 3, 2020

All About Timing

Boy, I am ever so glad that Mike cleaned the chimney when he did.  The temperature started dropping yesterday afternoon and I was able to (safely) light a fire.  Just so you know, it's twenty-seven degrees this morning, so I'm not exaggerating.

Back in the day when the SF 49ers were an up and coming team, they were so doggone cocky that I couldn't get on their side.  I bet against them every game...and I lost.  I was delighted yesterday to find that Dave was also rooting for the KC Chiefs (don't be haters) so I had somebody to text with during the game.  It came down to the last six minutes of the game for the Chiefs to score for the win.  That's okay...they won!

Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow yesterday, indicating an early spring this year.  Given how cold it is this morning, I have my doubts.  Bill Murray's car ad, reprising his role in Groundhog Day during the Super Bowl, was great, one of the few good ads I saw.

My mother would say I'm moving as slow as winter molasses this morning.  I'll admit I'm not anxious to get going, but it's time.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I could NOT get moving if it was 27 degrees. Hope it was a bit warmer inside. It was 36 here this morning, although I didn't go out when it was that cold. They said that the San Diego temp is taken at the airport and it was 38, and had not been that temp since 1894!!!! Tinka and I have relatives in Kansas and KC, so I was happy for the outcome too!