Friday, February 21, 2020


We are an eclectic group, we Fair Play ladies, and it makes for some interesting conversation.  We are diverse in religion, politics, and life experience, pretty much covering all of the bases.  I spent most of the morning spiffing up the house in readiness for a "meeting."  Camille doesn't own a television and Arden's is out of commission, but we all wanted to watch the Nevada debate that I had recorded from the night before.  It was, to say the least, lively.  We're none of us adverse to yelling at the TV.

It is well known in this circle of friends that my house is cold.  I'm so used to it that I didn't even wear a jacket as I passed out a lap robe (Cam brought her own), tea and coffee.  Michael was his usual hospitable self, finally curling up next to Camille on the couch.  Nothing like a cloud-soft dog to keep a lady warm.

Having dusted yesterday, that leaves today free to get stuff back on the deck.  How much I'll get done is debatable.

1 comment:

Emmy said...

With this weather, it’s best to be outside.....