Sunday, February 2, 2020

Let's Make A Deal

(Apologies to the TV show, originated in 1963.)

Mike came yesterday morning, showing up with a clipboard under his arm.  "I'll make you a deal," he said.  "I'll sweep your chimney for no charge if you'll do some typing for me."  Well, hey, that sounded pretty good to me and I agreed.  Then he showed me what he wanted typed and told me he needed it in maybe forty minutes.  Yikes!  Three pages of an estimate for a job he was bidding, with columns of materials and prices.

Some time back, I'd been switched from Windows 7 to Windows 10.  There were many functions where the only thing they had in common is the word Windows.  I've learned to cope, but had not had occasion to use Word, the word processor, since the change.  First I had to find the file, and I knew I was in trouble.  Believe it or not, I got it all typed up neatly, with columns and everything, and only five minutes over limit.  Mike rushed off to his appointment.

While he was gone, Helper Dude rode up on his motorcycle.  I haven't seen him in ages.  Seeing him was a nice surprise, but even better when he opened his wallet.  Maybe three years ago, HD had said, "I'll make you a deal.  I'll get the old Ford tractor running, sell it, and we'll split the profit."  "Heck of a deal," said I, "and a lot better than watching it rust away in my yard."  True to his word, HD had found a buyer and had come to give me my share (insert big smiley face here).

Mike came back positively beaming.  "I got it!  I got the job!"  "Congratulation, kiddo!"  Mike had swept the chimney in less time than it took me to type the estimate, so he got a good deal.  I mentioned to him that Ratso had killed the refrigerator.  "Let me take a look."  He opened the door, worked some kind of magic, and ta da! the fridge was running.  "How did you do that?!"  He was a little embarrassed to admit he'd turned off the refrigerator and had forgotten to turn it back on.  Duh, I didn't know a fridge could be turned off.  The things I don't know are legion.

All in all, I'd say that the day was a good deal for everyone.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Hahaha - ignore my comments from yesterday about Ratso eating the wires!!! Glad there was an easy fix!