Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Too Early

It's only February, way too early for the enthusiastic almond tree to burst into bloom, but there it is.  Mistletoe is a plague up here.  It's everywhere on the oaks.  The tree in the photo is on my neighbors' property, but there is one by my driveway that is just as burdened.  That's the one where the vultures sun themselves when they're not on the posts around the goat pen.  Oh!  I forgot to mention that the other morning as I was finishing up on the computer I caught movement out on the deck rail.  Not too unusual, the turkeys really are peeping toms.  This time, however, it was a vulture!  Right outside my bedroom window.  That's not something you see every day.

Florence and Dan came over, laden with goodies from George (I ate well last night).  Their mission was to pick up the last of the leftover lumber from the deck job.  Michael was overjoyed to see them.  I fear his happiness has a hidden agenda, though.  Yes, he's very glad to greet his friends, but he knows he'll be off leash and he takes the opportunity to make a trip down the the road as he did yesterday...twice.  As Florence told him, "Put your tongue back in your panting mouth, it's a dead giveaway," on his return.  It was nice to spend time with my longtime friends, sitting on the porch in the warm sunshine.


Kathryn Williams said...

That's so funny about Michael's tongue admonishment, and not so funny about vultures visiting. At least they weren't there circling anyone - LOL!

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