Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Will And Way

The saying goes, "If there's a will, there's a way."  For the most part it's true, and it is a two-edge sword.  If there's something I really don't want to do, I'll find a way not to do it.  I've got excuses I haven't even used yet.  Of course, there are the old standbys:  Oh, I couldn't do that, the cat was asleep on my lap; I was going to do that, but couldn't find the whatchamacallit; I fell asleep and then it was too late (that one is usually true).  Truth be told, I mostly find ways to postpone the inevitable, like going to town yesterday.  After all, it was trash day and heaven knows I didn't want to leave the house twice.  It was easy to decide I could take the bins across the road and make do with a quick trip to Gray's Corner (Michael has them trained to give cookies there, as well) and put off going to P'ville one more day.

The cat (Ralph) is asleep on my lap.  I'd like to get up and get going...but I can't.  You understand.


Kathryn Williams said...

Oh yes...I DO understand. Sometimes I stay on the couch because it is too much trouble to take the throw off my legs and push down the recliner foot rest...hahahah

Anders Maxton said...

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