Thursday, February 6, 2020

Light And Shadow

Michael did get his trip to town yesterday, but not until afternoon.  No, I wasn't procrastinating again, there was a valid reason.  Unless the sun is at a certain point, the trees along the road create a strobe effect, light/shadow, light/shadow, that is deleterious when driving.  For a change, I timed it right and the trip was uneventful.  There wasn't even a lot of traffic on the road.

I had forgotten to dress Michael in his official ESA vest and was concerned about taking him into the two stores that we frequent.  I needn't have worried.  He was his usual gentlemanly self, and by now the clerks call him by name.  He does like the attention.

The bird population changes all the time.  Right now a large flock of crows has moved in.  Whoever thought to call it a "murder"?  Golly, they are noisy birds, and they lack volume control.  I wish I spoke bird because I'd like to know what that ratcheting sound they sometimes make means.  In contrast, the vultures, also here in numbers, are silent.  They're actually better neighbors.  The bold jays are helping themselves to Missy's food again.  That little girl has made herself right at home on the deck, although I don't think she's ever used the bed I put out for her.  She comes a couple of times a day, maybe for breakfast and lunch, and spends some time looking in the doors at the house cats.

With any luck it'll be a couple of weeks before we have to go to town again.  One can hope.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

So glad your trip was uneventful and that Michael has his fan base :-)