Saturday, February 22, 2020

Bright Spot

I didn't have to look hard for this bright spot yesterday.  The daffodils, replanted by the squirrels, fairly burst out of the ground in full bloom on the north slope.

They were close to the only bright spot on an otherwise discouraging day.  In the morning, I wanted to keep up the momentum on housework and then tended to some outdoor chores that had been giving me the stink-eye for being neglected.  Michael got a couple of laps on the driveway track.  So far, so good.  The goats had had their last licks on the salt block, so about three I decided to take Michael for a jaunt and go down to Mt. Aukum and get another.  Goats do like and need their salt.

That's when the hammer of doom came down.  Michael gets excited (I can tell because he dances) when I get my purse, keys, and his leash.  "Yes, we're going to the cookie store.  Load up!"  Turn the key for ignition.  Rrrrr, rrrrr, nothing.  Again.  Nothing.  Dead battery?  "Come on, Michael, get out now."  "But we didn't go anywhere!"  The local auto shop closed in an hour and is not open on weekends.  Okay, call Triple A.  "The truck will be there in 75 minutes."  "Not to worry.  I'm not going anywhere."

Might as well get a start on the deck stuff while waiting (yes, I'd been procrastinating again).  I managed to get a heavy wrought-iron plant stand up the steps and was moving it into position when I noticed that one of the new boards had splintered.  Oh crum (or something like that).  I put in a text to Mike and went in the house to sulk.  Mike said he'd be here after work.

Tow-Truck Guy showed up, and I left him alone to do whatever it was that needed doing.  The trouble was that nothing worked.  Rrrr, rrrr, and no engine action.  I'll give him credit, he tried everything he could think of.  Just about then, Mike arrived.  Show me a guy who sees an open truck hood and I'll show you a guy who has to stick his head in there.  And what a good thing it was he did.  TTG got in the cab and turned the key while Mike watched the engine.  "STOP!"  Turned out to be a broken spark plug wire that was throwing out a shower of sparks every time.  I'm sure I blanched when I thought how easily there could have been an engine fire that would have destroyed Truck.  Mike said he could replace the wiring today, saving a tow and who knows how many days without a vehicle.  TTG packed up his stuff and left.

I showed Mike the damage to the deck, another thing for his To-Do list.

Mike left and I went in the house, closed the door, and sat down to contemplate the turn of events.  I'm glad there was one bright spot to look back on.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh my gosh, if that splinter had not shown up, Mike would not have come. What a blessing the convergence of the guys was. I love it when stuff like this happens.