Saturday, March 28, 2020

A Place In The Sun

"A Place In The Sun" (1951, Montgomery Clift, Elizabeth Taylor, Shelley Winters).

Michael pretty much gets to choose where we go on our walks.  I feel that's only fair because I keep him on a leash and he doesn't get to run free.  That's because he "runs free" down to and up the road.  We mostly stick to the driveway loop, stopping so he can snoop on the happenings at the winery.  Sometimes we go out to the west point where he can look at the horses and alpacas next door.  We skip that part if it's a rainy day.  Lately he's been venturing out, finding new sniffs under the live oak and peeing on the woodpile (a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do).

A few days ago I suggested we go sit on the deck and soak up some sun.  Michael was up for that.  He must have enjoyed it because yesterday he led me up the steps on our second outing and we did a repeat.  We sat in companionable silence, listening to the breeze in the trees and the birds, enjoying the warmth, watching the big, puffy white clouds float overhead.  I knew when Michael had had enough when he moved over into the shade, and we continued our walk.  Good choice, Michael.

I must be pretty persuasive because I've been able to talk myself out of going to town for days now.  I've run out of arguments and the need has become great and today's the day.  How I wish it wasn't so.  I'd rather sit in the sun with Michael.  Sigh.

Stay well.  Be safe.

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