Saturday, March 7, 2020

Coming And Going

It either happened overnight or my mind has been elsewhere (it frequently goes walkabout).  I looked up yesterday and saw that the oak behind the feed barn had burst into leaf and had no idea when that had occurred.  I was going to edit this photo, but realized I was standing just about where I had fallen.  Those branches on the far upper right are on the tree I needed to get to.  That's a long road home.

I'm not bragging, but I got so much done yesterday before Arden came, not enough as it turned out.  We were snacking and watching our news programs when Mike drove up.  He had come to put sealer on the two or so boards he'd had to replace.  That had to be done before the rain comes.  Yes, it's in the forecast for today; hard to tell from that bluebird sky of the morning.  Mike was busy slathering on the sealer when I heard a motorcycle drive up.  Clay?  No, it was Neighbor Joe who stopped by to make sure I had enough firewood for the coming wet week.  How nice was that?  I assured him I hadn't yet made a dent in the woodpile so I'd be fine.

Procrastination bit me on the butt again.  After Arden, Mike, and Neighbor Joe had gone, I realized I'd not yet taken the birdseed out of the truck.  Better do that right away.  Uh huh.  Try as I might, my hands were not strong enough to open the stubborn latch on the tailgate and the bags were too heavy to lift up and over.  There are few things in life I covet, but one of the new pickups with the easy-open tailgates is one of them.  Multiple tries and multiple failures; I finally gave up.  I kicked myself six ways from Sunday that I'd put off that chore.  Two men here on one day and I know either of them would have helped me.  Maybe the rain will hold off long enough to give me another chance this morning.

It was a busy day.

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