Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Social distancing, shelter in place (or its alternatives, stay at home or what it really is, house arrest), no gatherings larger than five...dystopian reality these days.  The thing is, all these measures make sense and are (can you hear your mother say it?) "for your own good."  Physical isolation is no hardship for me, as it might be for others.  Aren't we lucky, under the circumstances, to have other resources available now?  Telephones - landlines and cellphones, texting, Skype, email, computer messaging...I can't even think of all the ways there are to reach out and touch someone.  There is no substitute for a good hug, but even by oneself, we're none of us really alone.  (Ralph just barfed on the bed.  Oh goody.  Slight pause here for cleanup.)  I know I'm getting and making more calls these days.  It's nice to hear a friendly voice and a safe way to stay in touch.

I watch a lot of MSNBC news (about as nonpartisan as I can find) in the afternoon, and almost all interviews are done safely from home by Skype, Face Time, or whatever now.  Teachers are still teaching via television.  Virtual tours of museums around the world are available.  Ain't technology grand?

I do feel for mothers who might find themselves at home with who knows how many children.  I do remember the time that the Kids' dad came home on a rainy day to find me sitting alone in the walk-in closet while the four Kids ran amok in the house.  "Why are you in here?"  I told him I could keep an ear out, but if I heard "Mama, mama, mama!" one more time I'd go running in the streets.  I needed a break.  At least back in the day the kids could go outside to play on a nice day.

Ah well, it's a different world.

Stay well, be safe, keep in touch.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Yes we are blessed with technology that keeps us close, and luckily, if kids have a yard, or in my grandkids' case, a small school parking lot that is not being used, they can go outside and play (supervised in the parking lot). And just as you and Michael go out for walks, I walk in my senior community neighborhood. I have usually seen single people, either alone or with their dogs, but now I am seeing couples out for walks. I saw this on a Facebook meme supposedly from a mom, and it made me chuckle, "Getting real tired of babysitting my mom's grandkids right now!!"