Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Just Chill

The PG&E crews have been working their way up the road, leaving very neat piles of trunks and branches at the side to be chipped at a later time, probably by different crews.  I figured my turn would be coming soon, so it wasn't really surprising when, whump!, followed by a second whump, both loud and strong enough to shake the house yesterday morning.  I thought, there go my trees.  Oh well.

Michael and I headed out for a brisk stroll in the chill morning air, and I was surprised to see one of the crew in hardhat and orange vest walking up the drive.  What now?  We waited for him.  He was the foreman of the crew and just wanted to let me know they were going to start on my property.  Those two big, earthshaking whumps had been from trees dropped on the hill clear across the road!  Wow!  He (Mario) said they'd start by clearing the brush before tackling one or two pines and maybe five cedars.  The breeze was downright cold so we didn't spend much time chatting before tending to the business of the day.  I appreciated the heads up.

I hadn't gone to the store before St. Patrick's Day so was behind in making a corned beef dinner.  Tonight I'll make colcannon, my favorite way to use leftover potatoes and cabbage (and anything else left over from dinner).

It never did warm up throughout the day.  Note to self:  bring more wood to the porch.  The photo was taken on our last walk and it was just as chill as it looks.

Stay well.  Be safe.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh MAN that photo looks COLD!! Hope the wood got to the porch and it is toasty inside.