Saturday, March 14, 2020

Knock Knock

Knock knock.  Who's there?  Hatch.  Hatch who?  Bless you!
Shades of the far distant past.  At one time, knock-knock jokes were all the rage.  My Kids, sitting in the back seat of the station wagon (precursor to the SUV), would make up their own jokes (that would make no sense to me) and laugh uproariously.  Oh well, better that than, "He touched me.  Mama, tell him not to touch me!"

I was still fuming over the way the morning had gone, doing little things to keep busy while watching the news from the White House (not exactly reassuring), when the cats and dog let me know there was someone at the door.  Celeste is antisocial and races to the bedroom if there's a guest.  Michael doesn't bark, ever, but uses body language to tell me.  I hadn't heard a car, but could see a short shadow moving at the door.  Knock knock.  ???  "Arden!  It's not Friday!"  "Umm, yes, it is."  Needless to say, I was not prepared, but welcomed her in for our end-of-week routine.

If yesterday was Friday, today must be Saturday.  Try to keep up here!  With the new setup, I can't find my email now.  Sigh.

1 comment:

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