Friday, March 20, 2020

One Of Three

What a great start to the day...sunny and warm.  Michael and I weren't  the only ones enjoying the morning.  Sheila and Tessie were just soakin' up the rays.  There must have been some good sniffs in the air because Michael was content to just stand or sit with his nose raised for long moments.  I sure didn't mind being outside after the last few days.

We went for another walk before I took off for the grocery store, the one place Michael cannot go.
Weird is the only word to describe shopping now.  Never my favorite thing to do, this time it was a challenge.  It's a good thing I have a bread machine because there were, what, four loaves of bread on the shelves.  There was nothing at all in paper goods.  Soup was down to a few cans, I took one of three boxes of fettuccine left, and it's a good thing I didn't need any milk.  I didn't take much of anything, but some of everything I needed, like kitty litter and Butterfingers.

The thing that struck me most was that maybe eighty percent of shoppers were men, mainly older men.  Everyone was in a jolly mood and they wanted to talk, keeping the recommended social distance, of course (not hard to do with two carts between us).  One area in the store that was fully stocked (except for whole carrots) was the fresh produce aisle.  One would think that with all the children being kept at home, that's where the mothers would have gone first.  Oh well.  With canned soup gone, I bought enough vegetables to make my own.

At home, I got the wagon to bring the groceries to the house.  Two twenty-pound bags of cat and dog food were more than I wanted to carry.  Following CDC guidelines, after bringing in bags of stuff and putting things away, I washed my hands thoroughly.  Then, as is my wont after such an outing, I sat down, thinking to bring wood to the house later.  That was a mistake.  All those puffy white clouds of the morning got together, turned grey, and it started to rain.

I had three things on my To-Do list.  One out of three ain't bad.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Most sane people don't understand the empty shelves but I'm in good shape and what I WILL go out for is produce when I need it, so I think I'm good to go. Strange days for sure.