Friday, March 6, 2020

Losing It

As Bette Davis said, "Getting old is not for sissies."  She knew what she was talking about.  Two of my friends have bad backs, one has painful knees, another needs a cane to walk.  My own trial is the loss of strength.  I was made painfully aware of this the other evening when Michael and I were on the last walk of the day.  I made a misstep in the dusk and fell to my knees.  Quick inventory:  okay, painful, but nothing broken.  It was then the adventure began.  Having lost most of the strength in my quads, getting down is easy, getting up is not even on the best of days.  "Come on, woman, you can do this."  Yeah, well, I could not.  Lying in the driveway for the night was not an option; besides, I had Michael to think of.  Of course I had tripped down by the goat pen and the house seemed far, far away.  Crawling seemed my only choice, but I had to get to the oak in the front yard where I could pull myself to my feet.  Crawling on the gravel drive...well, what the fall had not done, those rocks finished.

Michael must have thought I'd lost my mind, or that this was some new game.  His training as a support dog came to the fore.  He stayed by my side no matter how slowly I moved, never pulling on the leash.  I was grateful for his company as darkness fell.  It seemed like eons before we made it to the tree where I could stand and walk to the house.  I thought I'd quit having skinned knees when I was a kid.  Ha!

Yesterday was lost to R&R (rest and recuperation), and I make no apologies.


Emmy said...

Fell the identical way, but in my bedroom...a painful crawl.. nothing to hang on to or pull up on. No breaks.
Then my best friend fell in driveway and was taken to two hospitals and kept five days.
Yeah, what is it about old age?

And now this virus to keep up with...
No rest for the weary.

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh Bo, I'm SO SO SO sorry. I have had company and have not caught up on the blog until just now. I'm anxious to know the rest of the story. My son has said that he feels everyone, especially as they get older, should get down on the floor each day and then get back up, to keep the strength. I can still get up with no oak tree, but it sure ain't pretty!!!. Man..bummer!!