Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Fait Accompli

Mission accomplished.  The deed is done.  In other words, we went to town!  I actually remembered and, more surprisingly, found a box of latex gloves bought at least twenty years ago, probably for something to do with the goats.  I stuffed a handful in my jacket and off we went.  What's more, I used them.  Clean gloves on, used ones stripped off inside out and put in a different pocket.  Given the ubiquitous, sneaky, vile nature of The Virus, I don't know how much real protection they provided, but they made me feel better.

Michael got to visit his favorite watering holes (not to drink water, but to make it) on our first two very brief stops.  I've often wondered why the city of Placerville spent time and money putting up Speed Limit 40 signs on the stretch of Hwy. 50 behind town.  Nobody, nobody but me, goes 40 miles an hour there.

It was very strange to see a billboard in front of Walmart that listed a rather long list of items they did not have.  Michael and I went in, stopped at the pharmacy, restocked the kitty litter, picked up a couple of frozen items and a bottle of orange juice.  (For some reason I've been craving orange juice of late.)  The store was not crowded, and I was glad to see that most observed the six-feet social distance.  Hey, given the morbid stats, we have to try.

The road home never looked so good.  Given good fortune, we won't have to go to town for another couple of weeks.

Stay well.  Be safe.

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